Work life balance
An important part of our DNA is parental leave and combining career and kids. Your Swedish colleagues will stay home for VAB (care of children).
An important part of the Swedish DNA is our 480 days of paid parental leave, paid out by Försäkringskassan (Social insurance agency). Coupled with five weeks paid vacation, it gives us the opportunity to enjoy parenthood and family life without taking away the privilege of having a career from any parent.
We are proud to be able to grant women and men the access to both being a parent and having a career. Couples are encouraged to share parental leave as equal as possible in order for children to be able to spend time with both their parents.
Then again - career and small children can be a challenge when parental leave has come to an end and therefore, we have VAB. It’s short for vård av barn which means that a parent has the right to stay at home and take care of their little ones when needed. Flues, colds or chickenpox are inevitable when children are young. Parents can stay at home getting paid from Försäkringskassan if their children are not well enough to attend daycare or school.
If you are not sure whether you are entitled to parental leave or VAB, check with the Social Insurance Agency, Försäkringskassan.
Read more about parental leave here Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
The freedom to roam - Allemansrätten
We are exceptionally proud of Allemansrätten. The freedom to roam is the general public’s right to access most public or privately owned land, lakes, and rivers.
Study at the Mid Sweden University
If you are interested to come here and study, we have the Mid Sweden University. Here, you will find a high-quality study programme and quality of life.